Monday, July 11, 2011

Nothing like playing catch-up.....

"If you don't think every day is a good day, just try missing one..."
-Cavett Rober

That quote could not be more true.  I'm sitting here thinking about all of the ways our lives are changing. In the blink of an eye.  If all goes as planned, we will soon be preparing our house to sell it.  But, it feels like we just moved in.  Every time I want to buy something new to decorate, I have to remind myself that I should probably just wait.  We won't know for sure until December if we are moving or not for Chris' residency, but as you know....December is just right around the corner. 

This was last December, and now this year, that little bundle of joy will more than likely be walking around!

This last year is just full of so many fun memories! Ava will be 6 months old on the 24th and I just don't know what to do with myself. I already have hundreds of pictures and tons of videos because I just don't want to miss a thing. But, I know I will.  Fortunately, they are all in my heart. :) The past month or so has been so busy with "firsts" for Ava. Eating baby food, getting two bottom teeth, swimming in a pool, getting in a lake, 4th of July, attending daycare, and so many more things. 

 This is at the lake on base. I have SO many fun memories here fishing with my parents and Chris has some, too, fishing with his Pepaw.  He remembers exactly where he caught his first fish here!

She will NOT let you see her teeth! Lol.

She got her first one on June 15th! And then exactly 15 days later, she got her second one! This is too much for Momma!

We took her to the base pool for the first time! She was very sleepy and hungry so not really into smiling on this day.
Just taking it all in.....

A few minutes of swimming....

And it was time for a bottle.  "Here daddy, I will help you hold it."

"And now that you've fed me, sure I will smile for you!" :)

Everything is going great at daycare.  Learning to adapt and improving each day on her naps.  She even already has a good friend named Avery. :)   She loves to go and they love to have her! Her soon to be teacher, Missy, made this picture to go above her crib at school.  She said Ava loves to have her picture taken! I wonder where she learned that..... :)

Love those big brown eyes.

She has really been enjoying baby food! Can't get enough....and I can't get enough of these hilarious pictures of people feeding her.  Check out her Dad and her Mimi feeding her! So funny. ;)


Hilarious! :)

Now, I just need to remember to hide the camera while I am feeding her. ;)

The Sunday before the 4th of July, my mom had a HUGE cookout with some friends, family, and the members of her church.  It was hot, but a lot of fun!  Ava was so happy to show off her 4th of July outfit...she didn't want anything too flashy though. :)
So she opted for this so that she could easily wear it again. Such a smart girl!

Then, her Uncle Nick took her into the lake on the 4th of July and she LOVED picking up the sand and throwing it down.

It was SUCH a hot day at the lake. She never would nap until I handed her to Donna so that we could pack the car up.....
Fast asleep with her hand on her cheek. Being next to her Mimi was all it took for her to surrender.

She needed this nap because we headed home, showered, and went to another cookout! So much to do! :)
So excited to see our good friend Mallory..

And Max, too! :) (Ava has got to work on her tan!)

She really impressed them with her new look.  We like to call it her "beak"!
haha! she kept doing this all night.

I don't get many pictures with my girl because I am usually behind the camera.  Look at how long she is!

We couldn't finish off the night without a few chocolate covered strawberries...
So delicious!

It was a GREAT 4th of July weekend!

Last week Chick-fil-A was doing their annual Cow Appreciation Day.  Chelsea thought it would be fun if we dressed up and dressed Ava up and went and got some free food!  She was correct.  I had to work in Fort Smith that day and wouldn't be home until late, so she swung by and picked up one of Ava's white onesies from Chris.  I got home, freshened up, and then Chelsea was there with her "costume"!

Wow.  Happiest cow I've ever seen! She loved it! :)  And our free dinner was phenomenal! We will definitely be doing this again! I saved her ears! More pictures on Chelsea's blog! :)

And then on Saturday, we got to meet up with our friends Hanna and Kristin! We had a lot of fun.  Ava was only interested in trying to drink our drinks.  "Yes please, Hanna, I would like some lemonade."

And, "Yes, strangers, I would like some of your sprite as well!"

She is serious about trying these drinks, and these sweet people were happy to let her lick on their cup. Cracks me up! They came over to meet her because they had a grand daughter named Ava.

As the months go by, I find myself soaking up every minute that I have to spend with my friends and family.  Now that I am back at work and Ava is in daycare, our time is just so short because she is usually in bed by 7.  So weekends are just so special.  I usually have a to-do list a mile long, but these are the only things that I can manage to get accomplished.  And I wouldn't have it any other way.  I have not a care in the world.  Kind of like her. :)

Naptime on Saturday...check

Naptime on Sunday...check....this is our favorite rocker/recliner.  Love my husband for capturing these moments.

The past few days and nights have been a little rough(but she is a trooper) for Ava because she caught her first cold.  It was to be expected with her starting daycare.  She's such a healthy little thing, and it's so hard to see your baby cough and have trouble breathing.  We have spent the last few nights sleeping in her room.  The way it works at our house is that if one of us is "up" with the baby, the other comes in for support, just so we don't have to be alone.  We take turns holding her in the recliner (while sleeping), and the other sleeps on the floor until needed.  It's just nice to feel like we are sharing the load and getting up together.  Chris is such a good Daddy, so thankful for him.  And then in the morning, we all three play on the floor.  It's one of my favorite times! :)

"Daddy, wake up, turn over!"

It does not take long to get him up! She loves to talk and play with his hair. :)

So this is just a little bit of what's been going on at our house! Work is going great for me and Chris is busy studying away for his Step 2 at the end of the month.  He has his Ophthalmology rotation at UAMS next month (he is so pumped), and then he will be leaving us for 2 whole months to go on away rotations! So you know we will be capturing some memories!   My sister in law is due with her sweet little girl any day now and we are just so excited because Ava will have a cousin within 6 months of age of her! We are planning a trip to visit next month, and then a couple more over September and October to visit the new baby, Joie ( and family) and Daddy! They will all be in San Antonio! :) Can't wait.  Until next time.....try to make every day a good day.

Be Blessed!

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