Tuesday, March 16, 2010

God, You reign!

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose." - Romans 8:28

First and foremost, today is my dad's birthday! I called him before bed last night since they are 7 hours ahead of us in Germany and it was actually his birthday there!  He works the night shift and he said that I caught him right as he was walking in the door! I was so thankful! I made sure I grabbed Chris' phone to call him because I figured Houndstooth would not like a call made to Germany on their company phone! Phew.....glad I remembered before dialing.  It was so good to talk to him!  I updated him on the latest and when I told him about our new kitten, Piper, he said, "I know, I've seen her on your blog!"  Haha! That just made my day! I knew I updated my blog for a reason! :)

Love my daddy!
Such a special day!

Happy Birthday, Dad! I love and miss you!!!

Had a great breakfast and visit with my best friend, Annabelle! She came in for a quick visit and it was so good to catch up with her! She has got a new little life set up in Kansas City, but part of her heart is still here in Little Rock of course.  I am so excited for her and Tim because I know God has worked everything out down to the last detail.  She is only a text, call, or a 7 hour drive away! And so are we! It was so great to see you and I'm pretty sure that it just provided a fix for just a little while....but that is okay!  I will take what I can get! See you soon. Love you, friend!

This morning I got up around 7 because I had plans to go work out with Chelsea.  It felt kind of nice to be up before I had to be. (Minus the little voice in my head that kept telling me to cancel all plans and get back in bed....I've learned so much already in my new bible study, and I was pretty sure this was NOT the Holy Spirit) Ha!  I turned on a morning show, saw Chris out the door for his test, and waited for Chelsea to come get me. We went over to the med center and walked 2 miles.  It felt really good! I felt a tad bit rushed because I always stress out when I have 2 things to do really close together...such as workout and then work!   But I was back home a little after 9, in the shower, and headed out the door at 10 for work! Glad to know that I really can get all that accomplished before I go to work in the morning (Thanks, Chels).  You know.....in case I ever did decide to work out again! ;) Anyone that knows me well, knows that this does not come easy.  I just don't like to go!  I feel good after, but just genuinely do not like to work out and have a tough time getting there.

I have been pretty productive lately.  Got my closet(s) all cleaned out and have about 5 bags to take to Goodwill.  Now we just need to clean out Chris' stuff and we will be all set to make a delivery.  I have all of my Houndstooth t-shirts in one closet, have completely removed all of my stuff from Chris' closet, and then I have one other closet all to myself.  And there is now plenty of room for more! I will get on that...pronto! :)

Not always a fun process.

But the end result is pretty great!

Poor Chris has been studying and preparing for yet another test. Only a few left (of this sort) to go! He had a little mishap where his computer froze up while he was trying to print something and he had to power it off.  Days later he realized that his computer did not save his study guide in it's entirety that he had been working on for HOURS.  What a bummer! We knew that God was in control and he was not and that everything would work out the way it was supposed to, even if it didn't play out exactly how we thought it should.

Even Piper can tell that this is some serious stuff! :)

Chris was not feeling well this morning before the test so I forced him to take some Pepto which ended up really not helping matters! But he made it through and ended up doing well on the test! We were both so happy and relieved!  Only 3 more weeks of actual CLASS! Hallelujah! God is so good for getting us through this madness we call medical school! I cannot imagine trying to cram as much information into their brains as these guys/gals do day after day, but I guess that it why they applied and were accepted and not me! I'm not supposed to understand it.  I'm just trying to be the best cheerleader I can possibly be!
We went to Canon Grill and enjoyed a nice little cozy dinner to celebrate! Can you see the relief in his face and the happiness in mine?

I am super proud and can't wait to see what is left in store for our last 2 years in Little Rock (for several years anyways).  Ready for him to get in the hospitals to see if he will specialize and if so, what it will be in!

And of course I can't have a blog update without our 2 little babies! Alex has been a little less than perturbed lately with Piper! She just wont leave his tail alone! So the last 4-5 mornings, I can't remember how many excatly, Alex has been found here when I woke up in the morning.
Yep, in the bathroom sink.  We have even pulled dried up toothpaste from the hair on his belly (that would have to be from Chris) that must've been in the sink when he jumped in.  He does not care......she can't reach his tail up here.....so there! Take that you little playful kitten!

But.....they do go to sleep at some point and I am always right there with my camera to catch the moments.  The pictures never lie. ;)

They truly are happy to have one another!

I am getting very excited because our 2 year anniversary is on Sunday.  No big plans, no gifts, just a nice dinner.  And Chris doesn't know it yet (nor does he read my blog unless asked to), but I have already ordered a small cake from Mickey's to celebrate!  We had their cake on our wedding day, their cake on our one year anniversary (straight from the freezer), and by golly, we are going to have it on our 2 year anniversary, too! I haven't decided what will happen once we move, but it may have something to do with frozen cake in the mail, or a good 'ole trip down to Arkansas for a visit.  :)  And yes, for those of you that have never had a cake from Mickey's, it's THAT good! :)

Spring break is upon us.  And I'm not a student or even a teacher anymore. But guess what........ He makes all things work together for our good.
I could not be more blessed. I even get to have a spring break with my hubby.  SO looking forward to it.

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