Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Pad Thai at it's finest...

Alright.....several of you asked for it.  I only claimed to be "making" pad thai, not to be Betty Crocker;)  But here is the "recipe" for those who asked!

These are two things you MUST have. :) 
(Not really on the hot sauce, but it IS good!)

In the oriental section at your grocery store you will find this Thai Kitchen brand for Pad Thai. (The recipe is listed on the back of the box, but I will tell you what we do and don't do.)

Also, this Sriracha hot sauce should be pretty easy to locate as well.

The recipe calls for:

3 Tbsp. vegetable oil
1 egg
4 oz. cut chicken, shrimp, vegetables or tofu
1/2 cup fresh bean sprouts
1/4 cup of crushed peanuts
Optional: lime wedges, fresh chilies, and cilantro

The back of the box has the rest of the cooking instructions, I just mainly wanted to post what kind we use so you would know what to get.

We use chicken, and we also cut up about half of a red pepper to add in it. We do not use the whole bag of "sauce" that comes with the noodles..  We use about half of it and add soy sauce and the sriracha sauce (don't go crazy, it can get really spicy) to taste. Any of the ingredients that you don't like you can omit.  We don't do the peanuts or the bean sprouts and it is still REALLY good!

I hope you enjoy!

That's it.  Go out and buy it! The only thing that comes in the box are the noodles you need and and the sauce